Good Riddles


Question: What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

Question: Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which.

What three questions can you ask?

Question: I'm the eyelid to your life and hide you when you're inside.
You can draw me and you can pull me, but you must leave to see my good side.

What am I?

Question: There are four men: Abe, Butch, Cam, and Dan. There are four hats: two white and two black. They each get a hat: Abe gets black, Butch gets white, Cam gets black, and Dan gets white. They don't know what hat color they have. Abe goes into a room so that no one can see his hat. The others line up in front of the door in the order Butch, Cam, and Dan (Butch can't see the others hats, Cam can see Butch's, and Dan can see Cam and Butch's hats). Whoever can figure out their hat color first wins $1,000. If they are wrong they are out of the running.

Which man can figure out his hat color without a doubt?

Riddle #133 (medium)

Question: There are three boxes labeled "Apples", "Oranges", and "Apples and oranges". Each box has the wrong label on it. How could you correctly label all three of the boxes by taking only one piece of fruit fruit from one of the boxes?