Good Riddles


Question: An empty bus pulls up to a stop and 10 people get on. At the next stop 5 people get off and twice as many people get on as at the first stop. At the third stop 25 get off.

How many people are on the bus at this point?

Riddle #614 (medium)

Question: A book has 500 pages:

  • The 1st page says "Exactly 1 page in this book is false."
  • The 2nd page says "Exactly 2 pages in this book are false."
  • ...
  • The 500th page says "Exactly 500 pages in this book are false."
Can any of the pages be true?

Riddle #68 (medium)

Question: Mr. Paige is an only child. Mr and Mrs Paige have 3 daughters and for each daughter in the family there is a brother how many members are in the Paige family?

Question: I have 13 arms, 10 legs, 2 head, and smell like burnt denim.

What am I?

Riddle #750 (medium)

Question: I grow from trees and your home,
once I am grown I fall to my doom.

What am I?