Good Riddles

Riddle #167 (medium)

Question: A five lettered word, I'm used to make bread.
Remove one letter and I'll burn you instead.
Remove two and do this to your stew.
Mix that around and a good drink we will brew.

Riddle #249 (medium)

Question: What English word is always spelled incorrectly?

Question: How can you make a TV, a bed, a dog, and a car liquid?

Riddle #973 (medium)

Question: Two criminals, Rob and Stan, are thrown into jail. But they plan to escape. There is a open window twenty feet off the ground. They try and try but are never able to reach it. They decide to dig their way out instead. After months of digging, they come up with a much easier plan. The plan works and they escape.

What was the plan?

Riddle #75 (medium)

Question: There are 100 coins scattered in a dark room. 90 have heads facing up and 10 are facing tails up. You cannot tell which coins are which. How do you sort the coins into two piles that contain the same number of tails up coins?