Good Riddles

You're hot (medium)

By jena

Question: What is always hot in the refrigerator?

Car's Gone (medium)

Question: Mary was driving home from the countryside. She stopped by a grocery store to get some food. When she walked out of the store, her car was gone. She called the police right away. The police found her car near the bank and held three suspects. Suspect 1: A chubby man with fitness clothes on. Suspect 2: A woman with money in her hand. Suspect 3: A man with dirt on his pants.

Desert (medium)

Question: A man is lying dead with a backpack on, face down in the desert. What happened?

Lost Kid (medium)

Question: The police found a lost kid. He is too young to talk and can't say where his parents are. Three people came claiming they were the kid's parent. They were allowed to spend 2 minutes alone with the boy. The policemen were watching them through the window. Claiming parent 1: A woman with chocolate, a burger, and fries feeding the little kid. Claiming parent 2: "Where were you, I have been looking for you everywhere!?" Claiming parent 3: "Look it's your favorite car!" Who is the criminal?

Books (medium)

By chin

Question: Which kind of book can move by itself?