Good Riddles

create a word (medium)

Question: You are going to make a word. To make this word, you need to put a letter in between two e's to make a word that starts with e and ends with e. What is the word? Hint: Think outside the box.

Question: There is a boat which can only support 80 kilos weight transport. A man has 2 sons. Man weighs 80 kilos and both sons are 40 and 40 kilos. They want to go to the Island with this boat, but going there together adds up to 160 kilos? What should they do to get them all on the Island?

Question: I give light by night, but not by day, Am wicked but not evil in any way, Wax for the most but always wane, Except when I'm out, I stay the same. What am I?

What are we? (medium)

Question: You have forgotten us a long time ago! And you enjoy the lying show. Accept the greyness and live there. For our color, you don't care. Only as a child, you know That we live in a small world! Inside ...inside your childish soul.

Black cat (medium)

By jena

Question: When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?