Good Riddles

Riddle #1322 (medium)

Question: Two men went into a restaurant. They sat at a table and the waiter came by and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

The first man said, "I'll have H20."

The second man said, "I'll have H20 too."

The second man died.


Question: My boots can fit though the green glass doors but my shoes cannot. Sea weed can fit but algae cannot. A tree can fit but a forest cannot. The moon can fit but a feather cannot. Why is this?

Riddle #325 (medium)

Question: A man is doing some work on his home and goes to a hardware store. He goes up to the clerk and tells him what he wants. The clerk tells him that each one is $1. He tells the clerk he would like 5000 and he is charged only $4.

What did he buy?

🙋 (medium)

Question: I am the thing that is used to make your weight. What am i?

Question: Though I live beneath a roof,
I never seem to dry.
If you will only hold me,
I swear I will not lie.

What am I?