Good Riddles


Question: Why don't most buildings have a 13th floor?

Riddle #273 (medium)

Question: Soft and cuddly, I'll pull on your heart.
But take my last name and I'll tear you apart.

What am I?

Question: You have been given the task of transporting 3,000 apples 1,000 miles from Appleland to Bananaville. Your truck can carry 1,000 apples at a time. Every time you travel a mile towards Bananaville you must pay a tax of 1 apple but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Appleland).

What is highest number of apples you can get to Bananaville?

logic (medium)

Question: A robber tried to steal the crown jewels. He got caught by the King's guards and was taken to the king. The King was feeling generous that day and asked the robber how he wanted to die. A few minutes later the king let the robber go punished yet alive.

How did the robber want to die?

Riddle #319 (medium)

Question: If a mountain climber climbed up a mountain one day from midnight to midnight the next day and does the same thing the following day when coming down the mountain, would there be a time at which he was at the same position on the mountain both day?