Good Riddles

Riddle #1356 (medium)

Question: I only point in one direction,
but I guide people around the world.

What am I?

Riddle #1206 (medium)

Question: A trail, a union, together tied.
Come across me and you will find,
you cannot change the course I'm on,
without me you cannot travel on.

What am I?

Question: What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?

Riddle #3972 (medium)

Question: What room can no one enter?

Riddle #906 (medium)

Question: A man and a woman both carrying baskets with eggs inside passed each other on the sidewalk. The man told the woman, "If you give me one of your eggs I will have twice as many as you, but if I give you an egg you and I will have the same amount."

How many eggs were in each basket?