Good Riddles

What Am I? (medium)

Question: Men are just as small as stars to me but men can see me while the stars cannot. I am a reflection of the ocean and fire but never earth though without an earth you cannot have me.

By Bist

Question: Occurring once in a hundred years and once in thousands. But never in a day or a year or a century.

Question: this is a 6 digit number. this number has two decimal places. there are no tenths or tens in this number. the tenths digit plus the hundredth digit equals 6. if you divide the thousands digit by 2 the answer is 2. the hundreds digit is the same as today's date. the units digit is half the hundredths unit.

Riddle #3290 (medium)

Question: Using 16 coins, how can you make $1 by using pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters? Hint: There is only 1 quarter.

Question: A girl dove in the sea.. some say there are two people under the sea. Why is that?