Good Riddles

Riddle #1243 (medium)

Question: Walk on the living, they don't even mumble.
But walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.

What are they?

Riddle #660 (medium)

Question: Christmas and New Year's Day occur exactly one week apart. So a New Year's that occurs right after Christmas should be on the same day of the week. But in the year 2020 Christmas will occur on a Friday and New Year's on a Wednesday.

Why is this?

Bankrupt (medium)

Question: A man parks his car opposite a hotel and immediately knows he's bankrupt, how?

Riddle #163 (medium)

Question: Paint me up to look real good,
Then take me to the shop to maintain under the hood.
Use a small brush to make no mistake,
Or just replace me with something fake.

What am I?

a riddle DUH (medium)

Question: after Lindsay got grounded, why did nobody see her in her room?