Good Riddles


Question: A town builds a bridge, but this bridge can only hold three people at a time or it will collapse. One night, a baker, a flourist and a butcher go on the bridge, and it collapses. Why did it collapse?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I am what men love more than life Fear more than death or mortal strife What dead men have and rich require I'm what contented men desire

Riddle #624 (medium)

Question: What is the easiest way to poke a balloon without popping it?

Riddle #161 (medium)

Question: I'll bring out your bulls,
and slow your roll.
I may even come out of your skull.

What am I?

Question: Fast you travel, but I travel faster. The faster you travel, the further away I get still. Close as you may get, the faster I still will be. What am I?