Good Riddles

50% ÷ 2 (medium)

Question: What is 50% divided by 2?

Question: In the harbor of a small town, there is a large boat. Coming off of the boat is a ladder reaching down so that the bottom rung is just above the surface of the water. As the tide comes in, the water rises at 1 foot every 30 minutes, and continues like this for 3 hours. If the rungs are each 1 foot apart, how many rungs are under water when the tide stops rising?

Question: Three men were told by God, " If you step on a duck, you shall marry the ugliest woman. However, if you do not step on a duck, you shall marry the most beautiful woman in all the land." The three men accepted. The first man stepped on a duck from not paying attention. The second man accidentally stepped on a duck in his son's room. The third man never stepped on a duck and was then married to the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. But why was he really married to the beautiful woman?

Question: If Paul was born on September 17, 1948, then what year is Paul's birthday?

What is it? (medium)

Question: What goes in, down and out; but can't go in, up, out?