Hard Riddles and Answers

how (medium)

Question: a mans car gets stolen but all the windows are up and the doors are locked there is no holes or breaks in the car how does it get stolen?

Green Room (medium)

Question: There once was a green room, what was in it

Question: How do you fix a broken pizza?

What (medium)

Question: What did the tree say to the wind

Bob and Ann (medium)

Question: Bob and Ann were found dead in a puddle of water and glass. What happened?

The Two Doors (medium)

Question: There are two doors ten feet apart: One door leads to Heaven, and one door leads to Hell. In between both doors are two guards; one who always tells the truth, and another who always lies. Only these two guards know which door leads to Heaven, and which to Hell. What question can you ask both guards to find out which door leads to Heaven?

Question: When I was 2 years old, my brother was half my age. Now I am 100 years old, how old is my brother?

Question: Imagine your in a sinking boat and there is alligators trying to eat you. How do you save yourself?

Question: On 20 planes I may be, but only rest on one you see. I can help you or hurt you, depending on where I lay. Because I am not the kind you use everyday

Riddle 1 (medium)

Question: An iron horse with a tail of flax. The more the horse gallops, the longer his tail becomes.