Hard Riddles and Answers

Best pal (medium)

By jena

Question: What did the calculator say to the Math student?

By jena

Question: What letter can you drink?

By jena

Question: What happened when the monster ate the electric company?

By jena

Question: When is a car not a car?

You're hot (medium)

By jena

Question: What is always hot in the refrigerator?

Lazybones (medium)

By jena

Question: What has legs but doesn't walk?

By jena

Question: What kinds of balls do dragons play soccer with?

Zzzzz (medium)

By jena

Question: Where do all the letters sleep?

By jena

Question: What has a bed that you can't sleep in?

Heavyweight (medium)

By jena

Question: What is only a small box but can weigh over a hundred pounds?