What makes riddles good? At GoodRiddlesNow.com we rate each one of our riddles before being added to our database. They are rated based on difficulty and its ability to use language and/or logic to puzzle the solver. The first standard, difficulty, is essentially how hard the riddle is to solve. We try out each to determine how long it takes to solve. Especially hard riddles may stump you to the point that you are unable to solve them the first time around. That's ok! Put the problem down and come back to it later. Luckily, we provides a huge number of logic puzzles and answers, so you may always surrender to the question and skip right to the answer or to the next one. The second criteria is the adherence of the "riddle" to the definition of a true riddle. The definition of can be found at Wikipedia's Riddle page A true riddle uses language to puzzle the reader by providing an enigma or conundra. Logical riddles require no significant amount of prior fact-based knowledge to solve, and a good riddle shouldn't.
Good riddles can come in many shapes and forms as well. Good riddles for kids are well-suited for viewing by children; we try to keep our riddles in this section clean so that kids can safely enjoy this section. Good funny riddles are present in this section as well, however, for a complete list, please check out our funny riddles section.
266 ratings
12 saves
By jBoner
Question: What word is shorter when you add two letters to it?
125 ratings
12 saves
By ketchum
Question: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years?
2267 ratings
18 saves
Question: What can you catch but not throw?
198 ratings
13 saves
Question: What starts with the letter "t", is filled with "t" and ends in "t"?
648 ratings
19 saves
Question: What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it?
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