Good Riddles


Question: A man leaves his cabin and travels 100 meter north, 100 meters west, and 100 meters south just to arrive back at his home. He sees a bird. What kind of bird is it?

Question: These are the three lives of mine:
So gentle I soothe the skin,
So light I caress the sky,
So hard I crack rocks.

What am I?

Riddle #1151 (medium)

Question: 16 06 68 88 ? 98.

What is the '?'?

Riddle #702 (medium)

Question: This is a bus:

|       |_|    |_|    |_|    |_|       |
|                                        |
     O                         O

Which way is the front of the bus facing (left or right)?

Question: What goes up, lets out a load, then goes back down?