Good Riddles


Question: Something you know nobody knows, and everyone knows something you don't. We all know something, nobody knows everything, and you know something someone doesn't know. What else could nobody know?

Longest WoRD (medium)

Question: What's the longest word in the dictionary?

Riddle #2843 (medium)

Question: There was a green house.Inside the green house, there was a white house.Inside the white house, there was a red house. Inside the red house, there were black babies. What Am I?

Riddle #2844 (medium)

Question: John got trapped in a cage. His parent are going to be beheaded. And his girlfriend is next. Who will he save first?

Exponents (medium)

Question: What exponents other than the same two numbers with the numbers one thru ten can be flipped and have the same answer?