Good Riddles

Chimney (medium)

Question: what can go up a chimney down but cant go down a chimney up

Riddle #244 (medium)

Question: Thirty men and only two women, but they hold the most power.
Dressed in black and white, they could fight for hours.

Who are they?

Question: Mary gets in the shower, but surprisingly her hair is not wet when she gets out. How is this possible?

Riddle #320 (medium)

Question: You are awoken at 3 A.M. by a knock on your door. Your parents call you to let you know that they are there for breakfast. You are confused but quickly think of what food you have. You have bread, jam, butter, and eggs. What do you open first?

Riddle #95 (hard)

By Jane Austen

Question: When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit,
And my second confines her to finish the piece,
How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit
If by taking my whole she effects her release!