Good Riddles


Question: There is a chain nailed to the wall. The chain is 10 feet long and the center of the chain dips down 5 feet from where each side of the chain is nailed to the wall. How far are the 2 ends of chain from each other?

Riddle #136 (medium)

Question: You are a surgeon who has to perform 3 operations today, but you only have 2 pairs of gloves (a and b) to perform the operations. Each of the people you are performing surgery on are infectious so you cannot touch any of them or their bodily fluids and they can't touch each other's bodily fluids. How do you perform all 3 operations with only 2 pairs of gloves?

Question: Can you rearrange the letters in new door to make one word?

Riddle #138 (medium)

Question: I have two arms, but fingers I have none. I've got two feet, but I cannot run. I carry well, but I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?

Question: What number do you get when you multiply all of the numbers on a telephone's number pad?