31 ratings
1 saves
By Sal
Question: Sam has two sons named Nathan and Daniel, Daniel is exactly 5 years older than Nathan and Daniel was born on February 29th 1996. How old is Nathan?
34 ratings
0 saves
By lr
Question: My first is in yesterday, but not in today; My second is in after, but not in before; My third is in start, and also in stop; My fourth is the 20th letter of the English alphabet; My fifth is in correct but not in wrong; and my sixth is in pretty, but not in cute. My whole is something celebrated by Christians. What is this teaser referring to?
43 ratings
1 saves
By CTech
Question: Two spies want to get in an enemy's military base. In order to get in they have to give the correct countersign to the guard at the gate after he gives them the sign. So, they wait hidden nearby the gate so that they will overhear the countersign from another soldier. One soldier comes and the guard gives the sign: "6". The soldier answers "3". The guard lets him pass. Another soldier comes. The guard says "12" and the soldier gives the answer "6". The guard lets him pass. So, the first spy goes at the gate and the guard says "10".The spy, sure that he knew the answer as he was, says "5". Immediately, the guard shoots him dead. Then the other spy, who saw that the other spy was killed when he gave the countersign, had now understood what the right answer would be, whatever the guard's sign was.So, he walks to the gate and the guard says "8".The spy gives the correct answer and the guard lets him in. What was the answer that the spy gave?
32 ratings
2 saves
By ribekuh
Question: What has an eye but cannot see, takes time to generate, and can dissipate in seconds?
27 ratings
3 saves
Question: With one you can't count past six,
nor can the gap between v and x be fixed.
You can read all of these lines,
but can't say what solves me.
What am I?
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