Good Riddles

?What am I (medium)

Question: People look at me all the time. I have a large vocabulary. I can teach people a lot of new things. I can be mysterious, funny, adventurous, romantic, scary, and sad. I tell stories. I can take people to other worlds. What am I?

Question: A man walks into a bar and says: Give me today's special. The bartender says: In a shot or a bottle? The man says: In a shot. The bartender gives it to him. He drinks it and then he dies. Why did he die?

Question: I have a long sticky tongue and four legs. What am I?

Question: I have only one arm yet I can steal you blind. I keep my money in a safe place yet every time I lose it again just to gain it back. What am I?

Question: If you want to become a master at playing the fiddle and you walk down to the fork in the road, you sit and some creature is going up your back, you follow the pattern of the creature on your back to be a master of playing the fiddle, what creature is going up your back?