Good Riddles


Question: I'm 10 years old my brothers half my age now I'm 100 years old how old is my brother now?

Riddle #50 (easy)

Question: There is a one story house. The walls are blue, the floor is pink, the stove and cupboards are red. What color are the stairs?

POND (medium)

Question: A pond with dimension of 6m by 3m wil be filled of water lilies at exactly 30 days. Each day the number of water lilies will be doubled. First day 1, second day 2 etc... On what day it will fill half of the pond?

Question: Before man discovered Mt. Everest, what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Question: You see us everyday, but you never see us together. We appear everywhere but never are we together at the same place. Who are we?