Good Riddles

Riddle #853 (medium)

Question: Angel and Dory were found on the ground gasping for air surrounded by glass and water. The person who found them quickly got a glass of water for them and they were fine.

What happened to Angel and Dory?

Riddle #180 (medium)

Question: I have roots that nobody sees,
I'm taller than any trees,
up and up I go,
but I never grow?

What am I?

Riddle #661 (medium)

Question: If a man carried my burden, he'd break his back.
I am not rich, but I always leave silver in my track.

What am I?

Riddle #702 (medium)

Question: This is a bus:

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|                                        |
     O                         O

Which way is the front of the bus facing (left or right)?

Question: What has a neck but no head?