Good Riddles

Down (medium)

Question: You build a house and all 4 walls are facing south. Where did you build the house?

hard riddle (medium)

Question: What goes up but never go down?

Whale time (medium)

Question: Do you know why the horny female whale bit off the tip of a submarine?

Question: Man walks into a store and says to the shop owner: “I will spend $10 in your store if you double the amount of money I now have in my pocket.” Store owner agrees; doubles his money; he spends $10 and leaves. He repeats this at 2 more stores. When he leaves the 3rd store he has $0 dollars. How much money did he have in his pocket when he walked into the first store?

Eve's bath (medium)

Question: What did God say when he saw Eve bathing in the ocean?