Good Riddles

Up and Down (medium)

Question: What goes up but never goes down?

Question: I fly like a bird of many colors through the sky. i am made with both wood and fire but i do not burn up.You can see me clearly during the day, but i am nearly invisible at night. What am I?

riddle (medium)

Question: I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high.when I go in everything becomes tight. What am I?

Question: There are these polar bears. And one day they decide to go fishing. So they go out on the ice, they cut a hole, and they sit around it. They catch 2 Karp and 7 Blue Gill. They say, that was some good fishing. Let's roll the dice. They role a 4 and a 3. How many polar bears were there?

Question: A man wanted to enter and exclusive club, but did not know the password to get in. He waited by the door and listened. The doorman said "Twelve" and the other man said "Six" and was let in. A second member came up and the doorman said "Six" to which the member replied "Three" and was let in. The man went up and the doorman said to him "Ten" the doorman said "Five" but was not let in. Why?