Good Riddles


Question: I float when I am born, lay down when I am alive, and run when I am dead. What am I?

Question: How is 2+2 four, 3+3 eight, and 7+7 triangle?

...... (medium)

Question: I guide you but you can't hear me. Without me you would be lost. I keep going and won't be stopped. What am I?

School Friend (medium)

Question: I live in water, but not in the same place. Sometimes it’s drinkable and other times it's not. I am either a hunter or gatherer. I am known for being gentle and easy, but I don’t live long. You will know me by my large eyes and goofy lips. People know me by my slimy body. I can be found in your house or out in the wild but never in between. I am friendly so I will likely be your friend in school. What am I?

Question: They were 3 women coming out of an ice cream shop, one was sucking her ice cream, the other was biting and the other was licking it, who was the married one?