Good Riddles


Question: One day there was a man in a hospital bed, and there was a man sitting next to him. So, the doctor asked the man sitting next to the man in the hospital bed, he asked, who are you? The man said listen closely for I will only tell you this once. Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is this man?

The Tide (medium)

By Fred

Question: At low tide 14 rungs of a ship are above the water, the rungs are 15 centimeters apart. each 15 mins the water rises 15 centimeters. after 2 hours and 30 mins how many rungs are above the water?

Question: There are 31 horses on a cliff, first they jump into the air, then they come down and stop, then they stand still.

Why do they do this?

Riddle #297 (medium)

Question: A box of marbles costs $20. If the marbles are worth $19 more than the box, what is the box worth?

Riddle #3333 (medium)

Question: There were 3 men playing on a field playing a game. The guy that had the lowest score won the game. How is this possible?