Good Riddles

logic (medium)

Question: A robber tried to steal the crown jewels. He got caught by the King's guards and was taken to the king. The King was feeling generous that day and asked the robber how he wanted to die. A few minutes later the king let the robber go punished yet alive.

How did the robber want to die?

Riddle #3170 (medium)

Question: You answer me, but I ask you nothing. What am I?

Riddle #3298 (medium)

Question: There were a group of 6 people outside in front of a store. 3 of them were standing under an umbrella, while the other 3 didn't have anything with them. Who is getting wet?

The King (medium)

Question: The King and A Butler walk into a room, they lock all the doors behind them, the room has no windows. A night passes and the next day 3 people walk out of the room, Who is the 3rd person?

frog quiz (medium)

Question: There are 5 frogs, 1 die. How many left?