Good Riddles


Question: In the middle of winter, a woman is found dead in her bed, with multiple stab wounds in the stomach. Soaked into the sheets is a massive amount of blood, along with blood drops on the carpet. On the side table beside her bed, there is a glass full of water mixed with blood. What was the murder weapon, where is it now, and how was she killed?

Riddle #177 (medium)

Question: You have 2 coins that add up to 35 cents. One of the coins is not a quarter.

What kind of coins do you have?

Question: There are 11 bananas and you take 4, how many do you have?

Riddle #1331 (medium)

Question: A dad and his four boys stand in line.
All crowned, they toil in darkness.
Another family they see, two birds of a feather.
All of them together clad in leather.

What are they?

Together (medium)

By Kaio

Question: Two simple warriors: a vegetable and none. It depends on whether they work together to reduce infinity to one.