Good Riddles


Question: Jack is taking a tour through a museum's American Presidents exhibit. The person leading the tour tells him "We have a picture of each presidency. Currently Barack Obama is the 43rd person to hold the office." But Jack quickly realizes that there are 44 pictures on the wall. But while walking through the exhibit he realizes why this is.

Why is there one too many photos?

Question: There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls.What is it?

Question: A man gave one son 10 cents and the other 15 cents.

What time was it?

Riddle #733 (medium)

Question: What has one foot but not a single leg?

Riddle #297 (medium)

Question: A box of marbles costs $20. If the marbles are worth $19 more than the box, what is the box worth?