12 ratings
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By HappyHammy16
Question: One day there was a man in a hospital bed, and there was a man sitting next to him. So, the doctor asked the man sitting next to the man in the hospital bed, he asked, who are you? The man said listen closely for I will only tell you this once. Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is this man?
9 ratings
0 saves
By aris clark
Question: The more i am present, the less you can see me. Who am i?
4 ratings
1 saves
By aris clark
Question: I cannot speak but i tell everything.Im not a tree but i have a leaves. I have hinges but neither not a door nor a window. Who am i?
12 ratings
0 saves
By aris clark
Question: i can fill up the entire room and still not take up any space. Who am i?