15 ratings
0 saves
Question: You are driving and come to a fork in the road. You need to get to New York City. The roads do not have signs, no one is there to tell you which road you need to take, and you can't turn back and take the other road if you take the wrong one the first time. You can not turn around a go a different way. If you randomly choose a road to take how will you know you are choosing the correct road before you take it? What is the chance you will take the correct road?
19 ratings
2 saves
By GriersLady02
Question: This is a fruit. You cross off the first letter it is a crime. Cross of the second letter its an animal. Cross off the next two letters it is a vowel. What is it?
5 ratings
0 saves
By PenguinX
Question: Something you know nobody knows, and everyone knows something you don't. We all know something, nobody knows everything, and you know something someone doesn't know. What else could nobody know?
11 ratings
1 saves
By jivoace24
Question: There was a green house.Inside the green house, there was a white house.Inside the white house, there was a red house. Inside the red house, there were black babies. What Am I?