Brain teaser (medium)

Question: Why B always gets freezing?

Question: A deer ran through a glass door on the back porch of a house. It broke through the large exterior pane of glass and ended up inside the house. Why did the deer do this?

Question: While the barracuda uses opportunity and speed to prey on other large fish, it has little interest in humans. Barracuda attacks on humans are rare; but when they do, what is the reason?

Question: There is a man who is a conductor on a train. He runs someone over so the conductor gets sentenced to death. He goes to an electric chair, the people that work there say, "it's your last day to live, what would you like to eat?" The man replies peanut butter and cereal, they turn on the electric chair and nothing happens. The next day he gets sent to a 10 times better electric chair there they say what would you like to eat and he says peanut butter and cereal, he eats the peanut butter and cereal, and they turn on the electric chair and nothing happens. The next day he gets sent to Alcatraz, they say what do you want to eat and he says peanut butter and cereal, they turn on the electric chair and nothing happens. The next day they send him to the best electric chair in the world they say what would you like to eat? He replies peanut butter and cereal, he eats a peanut butter and cereal, and they turn on the electric chair and nothing happens, they say why aren't you getting electrocuted? And the conductor says-

The Fruit (medium)

Question: I am a fruit. Remove my first letter, it's a crime. Remove my first and last letter, it's a kind of music. What do you think am I?