Question: Weight in my stomach,trees on my back,nails in my ribs,it's feet I lack.What am I?

Question: What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but women do once a year after they are 29?

Riddle #966 (medium)

Question: Mr. Niceguy donated one million dollars to help feed starving people. After he donated the money he was a millionaire.

How did he become a millionaire?

Riddle #971 (medium)

Question: Rob and Bob are arch enemies. They decide to have a fight to the death one day when a fairy appears. The fairy says it will give them both one wish. Bob wishes, "I wish for twice whatever Rob asks for."

What can Rob ask for to ensure he wins the fight?

Riddle #973 (medium)

Question: Two criminals, Rob and Stan, are thrown into jail. But they plan to escape. There is a open window twenty feet off the ground. They try and try but are never able to reach it. They decide to dig their way out instead. After months of digging, they come up with a much easier plan. The plan works and they escape.

What was the plan?