48 ratings
3 saves
Question: Two men, Watson and Holmes, are out in the extremely dry forest. They are completely surrounded by a large forest fire on one side and a dangerous cliff on the other. The wind is blowing the forest fire towards them and the cliff. The fire will reach them in about one day.
Holmes turns to Watson, "I have matches, berries, and enough water for a day. We aren't going to die." How can they avoid getting swallowed up by the forest fire?
123 ratings
10 saves
Question: Four jolly men sat down to play, they played all night until the break of day.
They played for cash and not for fun, with a separate score for every one.
When it came time to square accounts, they all made quite fair amounts.
Not one lost and all gained.
Now that you've heard, can you explain?
33 ratings
0 saves
Question: I'm fat and I'm round and I cause much joy, I'm often a dogs favorite toy. What am I?
42 ratings
1 saves
By EddyCGrant
Question: It breaks away from its pack. It creates holes in its victims. It can travel for miles and then disappear. It is part of a dying breed. What is it?
24 ratings
0 saves
By RiddleWizard
Question: I come in many different colors. I create boundaries to keep things concealed and safe. My best friend is a lock and I am also made of different materials as well. I love to travel: you can find me anywhere. What am I?
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