Easy Riddles and Answers

up up (medium)

Question: what goes up and dosent go down

Question: Every dawn begins with me At dusk I'll be the first you see And daybreak wouldn't come without What midday centers all about Daisies grow from me I'm told And when I come I end all cold But in the sun I won't be found Yet still each day I'll be around What am I?

Question: I am immobile yet I move, I am individual, but I reside with with my own, I am either brought up organized or disheveled, My existence brings satisfaction, other times pain. What am I?

The Magic Man (medium)

Question: You are walking down a dark alley at night. Suddenly, a man jumps out of the shadows with a gun. He tells you "I am here to kill you. Tell me one wish. I will not fulfill it, but I will kill you. If you say the right thing, you will be saved." What do you say?

Question: I have no bed to sleep or no palace to live. I don't have a single coin then also I am known as king.