68 ratings
1 saves
Question: There is a farmer who has three sons. Nearing his death, he asked his three sons to find two objects that can fill the room he's in. The one who can deliver will be chosen as his heir. So the oldest son goes to the market to get hay while the middle son go get leaves. The youngest son goes to a shop and buys two things that he put in his pocket. The oldest son's hay only fills half the room, the middle son's leaves fills 2/4 quarters of the room, while the youngest fills the room with his two objects. Question: What are the two objects that the youngest son used to fill the room?
12 ratings
0 saves
By Masonk80
Question: Lil Johnny's mom has 4 sons named Nickel, Dime, and Quarter: What is the forth sons name? ( And it's not Penny 'cause that's a girl name.)
24 ratings
0 saves
By Smurf1234321
Question: A town builds a bridge, but this bridge can only hold three people at a time or it will collapse. One night, a baker, a flourist and a butcher go on the bridge, and it collapses. Why did it collapse?
60 ratings
0 saves
Question: When you're given one, you'll have either two or none?
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