Easy Riddles and Answers

father (medium)

Question: Mike has a father named BOB. Bob is the......... of mike's fatfer

Question: A man orders a coffee and finds a fly in it. He sends it back and gets another one. But he quickly discovers that they gave him the same coffee that had the fly in it.

How did he know?

Hard. (medium)

Question: You were asked to label the light switches for your company. You are in a room, with unlabeled light switches. There are 3 of them, and there are 3 lightbulbs in the next room. You can not travel back and forth. How do you successfully label the lightbulbs???

ready (medium)

By chin

Question: what is ready when you add a letter inside?

Question: I'm not dead i'm not alive, i'm not underground i'm high up in the sky, people speak of me but never saw me. Who am i?