40 ratings
4 saves
Question: A knight comes to a castle where his love is trapped. The castle is surrounded by a square moat that is 10 feet wide (it forms a square around the castle). The knight is able to fashion two 9 foot long planks to cross the moat.
How can he do this?
99 ratings
5 saves
By Hugibear
Question: I have four wings, but cannot fly.
I never laugh and never cry;
On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with a little sound.
What am I?
30 ratings
1 saves
Question: I only point in one direction,
but I guide people around the world.
What am I?
28 ratings
0 saves
By Bist
Question: When it's warm it has something warming it, but when it's cold it's naked. What is it?
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