Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: Tom and Joe want to sit behind each other in class and the teacher arranges them so they are both happy.

How did the teacher do so?

Question: A thief enters a shop and threatens the clerk, forcing him to open the safe. The clerk says, "The code for the safe is different every day, and if you hurt me you'll never get the code". But the thief manages to guess the code on his own.

How did he do it?

Question: What has ten letters and starts with gas?

Question: It's hard to give up.Remove part of it and you still have a bit.Remove another part, but bit is still there.Remove another and it remains.What is it?

Question: I may be of the eye,
in order I am pie,
in my center there is a star,
I keep medics where they are.

What am I?