What Am I Riddles

GreenGRiN612 (medium)

Question: Once upon a time, a virgin and a scorpion got caught in a sandstorm in the middle of the desert so pissed, so angry at each other :whos fault it is, who knows the best So they came to me to solve the case And there I am, caught between em, in a freaking sandstorm Deciding who is right and who is wrong What am I?

Question: (1) What am I and (2) how do you spell it?

Question: What has rivers but no water, forest but no trees and cities but no people.

substance (medium)

Question: you have two liquid substances in a sealed jar one yellow one white, they stay separate even when shaken. When poured out the white substance turns clear what am i?

The digger (medium)

By Joot

Question: What is that comes out of a man, has no hand and has no legs but can make a hole on the ground?