Math Riddles

Half his Age (medium)

Question: When Tommy was 10 years old his sister Suzy was half his age. Now that Tommy is 50 years old how old is his sister Suzy?

Kidnapper (medium)

Question: The Duke of Riddleton has been kidnapped. The police have identified 3 suspects, all of which had motive, and opportunity to do the deed. Their names are Andrew, Jason, and Shawn. All of them claim that they didn't do it, but Jason and Shawn seemed nervous wile being questioned. There was a note left behind, with the following description: 1491011. Who kidnapped the duke?

Riddle #3 (medium)

Question: A man goes to work taking a very long bus route, transferring to different buses many times. First, he gets on bus number 60, then bus number 12, then bus number 240, then bus number 48. Which two buses would he get on next?

Question: There are these polar bears. And one day they decide to go fishing. So they go out on the ice, they cut a hole, and they sit around it. They catch 2 Karp and 7 Blue Gill. They say, that was some good fishing. Let's roll the dice. They role a 4 and a 3. How many polar bears were there?

Question: If wanted, use paper!, You may only put 1 line on a number!, how?, thats up to you: 5 + 45 = 450?!.. 883 x 2 = 1776?!.. 282 - 6 x 0 = 288?!..