Math Riddles


Question: You have an 8 by 8 chess board that has two corner squares diagonal from each other removed. Is there any way to place 31 dominoes of size 2x1 to cover the remaining 62 spaces?

3 coins (medium)

Question: You have three coins. One always comes up heads, one always comes up tails, and one is just a regular coin (has equal change of heads or tails). If you pick one of the coins randomly and flip it twice and get heads twice, what is the chance of flipping heads again?

Question: What's the angle between minute hand and hour hand at a quarter past three?

Question: There are 1600 people sitting around a circular table. The first person (person 1) has a sword and kills the second person then hands it to the next alive person (in this case person 3). Person 3 stabs person 4 and gives the sword to person 5. This goes on until person 1499 kills person 1500. Then person 1 kills person 3 and so on. This is repeated until there is only a single person remaining.

Who remains in the end?

Troll bridge (medium)

Question: You're going to a friends house and want to give them some brownies. On the way to their house you cross 5 bridges. At each bridge you must pay a toll of half of your brownies to the owner. But they are all very nice and give you back a brownie from what you give them.

How many brownies must you start with to give your friend 2 brownies?