Math Riddles


Question: A claustrophobic person gets on a train. The train enters a tunnel just as it is leaving the station.

Where is the best place for him to sit?

Question: If you toss a coin ten times and it lands heads up every time, what are the chances it will land heads up if you toss it again?

Question: There are two planes. One is going from New York to London at a speed of 600 MPH. The other is traveling from London to New York at a speed of 500 MPH.

When the planes meet which one will be closer to London?

Question: You have 7 tennis balls that are all identical but one of them is slightly lighter than the others.

Using a balance scale and only two separate weightings, how can you find the light tennis ball?

Question: Ants on a stick may only move left or right. If they bump into each other they bounce off of each other and immediately move in the opposite direction maintaining speed the entire time. The only time they change speed is when they fall off of the edge of the stick.

If 25 ants are randomly put on a 1 meter long stick moving 1 meter per second, what is the longest amount of time it could take for them to all fall off?