Logic Riddles


Question: An ant gets onto one end of a tight rope that is 1 meter long. The ant is traveling at 1 centimeter per second, but the entire rope is being stretched an extra 1 meter (1,000 centimeters) a second (it can be stretched forever).

Will the ant ever reach the other end of the rope?

Question: You put me on a table and cut me, but you don't eat me.

What am I?

Question: A man was sitting on his couch and searching for the English Channel.

How did he find it?

Question: What is one in every doll, in every doll, in every doll?

Question: There are two boys at an international math contest in December 2013; one is British and one is American. They both write their names, the date, and their answers on the paper. The only problem is that they both have the same name and the papers cannot be told apart.

What is the date?