Logic Riddles

numbers (medium)

Question: One becomes seven but each stands alone

Word (medium)

Question: There is a 5 letter word, if you take away the 5th letter, it is still the same. If you take away the 1st letter it is also the same. Even if you take away the 3rd letter, it is still the same. You can even take away the 5th, 3rd and the 1st, at the same time!!!!!!!!

Question: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

By emi

Question: You're stuck in a room with no way out, no windows, no doors, and no roof. All you've got is an apple and a knife. How do you get out?

Cops (medium)

Question: Two cops walk into a doughnut shop. One gets a sprinkle doughnut and the second one gets a sugar doughnut. What did the third cop get?