Logic Riddles

Logic Riddle (medium)

Question: What are the next two letters in the following series and why? WATNTLITFS__

Miss Mary (medium)

Question: Miss Mary's father had 4 kids: Joseph, John, and Jordan. What was the 4th kid's name?

Question: I have no bed to sleep or no palace to live. I don't have a single coin then also I am known as king.

Question: Two men find an old gold coin and want to have a coin toss with it to decide who gets it. The only problem is the coin is heavier on one side so it comes up heads more than tails. What is a fair way for the men to toss the coin and decide who gets the coin?

Question: Connect all 9 of the dots using 4 straight lines or less. Do so without lifting the pen or tracing the same line more than once.