Kids Riddles



John has some chickens that have been laying him plenty of eggs. He wants to give away his eggs to several of his friends, but he wants to give them all the same number of eggs. He figures out that he needs to give 7 of his friends eggs for them to get the same amount, otherwise there is 1 extra egg left.

What is the least number of eggs he needs for this to be true?

Question: Queens can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally any number of spaces as illustrated. One piece 'attacks' another if it moves to the same tile that the other piece is on. How can you arrange eight queens on the board so they cannot attack each other?

Question: Two men find an old gold coin and want to have a coin toss with it to decide who gets it. The only problem is the coin is heavier on one side so it comes up heads more than tails. What is a fair way for the men to toss the coin and decide who gets the coin?

Question: A town only has one barber (he is male). The barber only shaves all of the people who do not shave themselves.

So who shaves the barber?

Question: A man is walking through the park one day and sees a group of four boys standing in a circle. A smaller boy is holding a large stick and hands it to a larger boy saying "I couldn't do it, your turn."

The larger boy swings the stick twice and the other two boys go to the ground. The smaller boy says "I'll get 'em next time." The man walks away smiling.

What just happened?