285 ratings
6 saves
John has some chickens that have been laying him plenty of eggs. He wants to give away his eggs to several of his friends, but he wants to give them all the same number of eggs. He figures out that he needs to give 7 of his friends eggs for them to get the same amount, otherwise there is 1 extra egg left.
What is the least number of eggs he needs for this to be true?
102 ratings
2 saves
Question: A mirror for the famous, but informative to all.
I'll show you the world, but it may be a bit small.
What I am?
122 ratings
9 saves
Question: One evening a man started to run. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. Then he started running home. When he got home there were 2 masked men waiting for him. Who were they?
72 ratings
3 saves
Question: I open to close but I close to open.
I'm surrounded by water but I'm never soaking.
What am I?
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