Fun Riddles

Not is Weight (medium)

Question: What is heavy one way and not the other?

Question: A man pulls over and goes into a building.He came back with a bucket of water,he dumps it on the sidewalk.Why did he pour the water on the sidewalk?

Question: How high would you have to count before you use the letter 'A' in the spelling of a number?

What flag? (medium)

Question: What flag has five circles in it?

Question: A rich man named Steven goes to a bar and sees his long lost poor brother, Martin. "What've you been up to lately?" Steven says to Martin. "Well, one night, me and my daughter went fishing together. It was so much fun, probably the best time of my life. We told jokes and riddles and sang. In the end, we each caught two fish. We didn't have to buy food for so long, since each fish lasted us about three days," Martin said, grinning. He loved saving money, since he was less fortunate than Steven. Steven said, "Well, that's not SO much. Only 12 days worth of food. That's only 20 dollars or so of fish from the market." "For one thing, 20 dollars is a lot for ME. For another thing--brother, I may be much poorer than you, but at least I got an education! That's 18 days, my brother." Martin laughed. How was it 18 days, not 12?